Running Water
Running Water is an on-going photographic survey of water and its texture. This project started over four years ago when I was trying to make running a habit. Inspired by Joshua White’s A Photographic Survey of the American Yard, I decided to photograph the river as something of a motivator and reward for my runs.
I usually run along the South Fork of the New River in Boone, North Carolina. The river is quite small and may not be considered majestic, but when you get very close to the water and see the play of light on its surface, you can see something wonderful.
Beneath the Surface album cover After my runs, I’ll post some of that day’s photos on my Instagram account. In 2019, I received an email inquiring about licensing some of the images for an upcoming release by Alex Banks, Beneath the Surface. One of the photos appears on the album's cover and others were chosen for some singles.