Graphic Design
Before I made my first wind drawing in graduate school, I worked as a graphic designer for eleven years. I worked for three universities and was co-owner of my own company for a while.
I found design through photography. As a photographer for my college newspaper and yearbook, I was curiosity about the newspaper production process and learned how to make halftones using a stat camera. This led to working on the production staff and when the paper started using Macintosh computers to design ads, I discovered the joy of pairing type and images through design to help sell pizza or promote apartment complexes and later, to present stories in the paper. Before too long, I resigned the newspaper and started my own company with a friend.
I've always loved how design can inform, inspire and tell stories. I had a rewarding career promoting the value of a college education and the role universities play in society. My creative practice has shifted a bit since then, but I'm in a familiar role now as a faculty member in the Graphic Design program at Appalachian State University where continue my practice as a designer and serve as an educator, too.